Behold: a brand new pillow design - Hot Hope of the Stormteacher! Available now on our shop.
It takes us (what feels like) forever to design these things. First we start with a painting of a couple. If they are done by Leslie, then they have no feet:

Then we come up with a title. This one was temporarily called "Encounters", then "Storm Dreams", and finally it was named, "Hot Hope of the Stormteacher." Which is brilliant.

Then Stephanie paints the title in her signature font style. Sometimes Leslie will retrace it and paint it in and fool around with the color.
Then it gets a preliminary design while we mull over the story:

Once we have it, the story will call for additional dramatic design elements. In this case, it called for a white squall of desire:

And we design the back of the pillow, placing the title and story on an ancient historical scroll, to commemorate one of the world's greatest love stories for history and posterity:
